Udaberri goiztiarra / Spring come early
Ematen du udaberria heldu dela eta egun eguzkitsuekin esnatu dira lehenengo tximeletak. Orain arte 8 espezie ikusi dudala baina Fruziko oasian hiru baino ez ditut ikusi momentuz. Arruntena da limoi tximeleta, eta ia guztiak arrak dira. Emeak apur bat beranduago ateratzen dira hibernaziotik.
Oasian ikusi ditudan tximeletak dira Eguariko pauma (Aglais io), Limoi tximeleta (Gonepteryx rhamni) eta Horma tximeleta (Pararge aegeria). Erleak bezala, aprobetxatzen dute txikoria belarra loretan egotea nektarea hartu ahal izateko.
It seems as if spring has arrived and along with the sun the first butterflies have comeout. So far I`ve seen 8 different species but in Fruiz`s oasis I`ve only seen three so far. The most common is the brimstone most of which are males as the feales ususally come out f hibernation a little later.
The ones I`ve seen in the oasis are the Peacock (Aglais io), Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) and the Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria). Like the bees, they take advantage of the fact that dandelions are in flower to get the nectar they need.
Oasian ikusi ditudan tximeletak dira Eguariko pauma (Aglais io), Limoi tximeleta (Gonepteryx rhamni) eta Horma tximeleta (Pararge aegeria). Erleak bezala, aprobetxatzen dute txikoria belarra loretan egotea nektarea hartu ahal izateko.
It seems as if spring has arrived and along with the sun the first butterflies have comeout. So far I`ve seen 8 different species but in Fruiz`s oasis I`ve only seen three so far. The most common is the brimstone most of which are males as the feales ususally come out f hibernation a little later.
The ones I`ve seen in the oasis are the Peacock (Aglais io), Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) and the Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria). Like the bees, they take advantage of the fact that dandelions are in flower to get the nectar they need.
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