Apirilak 22: Dontzeila / 22nd April: Marsh Fritillary
Egun polita oasian. Zergatik? Dontzeila agertu da. Hemen agian ez da mehatxutako espezie bat baina Europan bai da. Beste egunean nire baratzean neukan eta nire buruari galdetzen diot ia tximeleta berbera den. Beste hainbat tximeleta egon dira eta laster hogei ezpezie ezberdin ikusita izango dut. Gero aeta lora eta insektu gehiago direnez oasiaren itxura hobetzen doa. Hala ere, bidezketako belarra moztu behar da, eta panelak ipini behar dira! A nice day in the oasis due to the presence of the Marsh Fritillary. Here it`s not a threatened species but it is in Europe. The other day it was in my garden and Im wondering if it`s not the same one. There were many other butterflies that bring the total number of species seen so far to almost twenty. There are also more and more flowers and insects which means the pasis is starting to look a lot better. However, the Grass on the paths needs to be cut and the panels need to be put up! Euphryas aurinia / Dontzeila / Marsh fr...